Water Leaking From Ceiling Fan -Here’s What to Do!

Is there mysterious Water Leaking or Dripping from your Ceiling Fan? Not sure what’s causing it?

In this guide ,you will learn:

  • Most Common causes why there might be water leaking from or near your ceiling fan,
  • Dangers of these leaks & How to Stop them,
  • How to Repair Stains of Water damage Caused by your leaking Ceiling fan.

In case of water leaking near your ceiling fan, there is always the possibility of mild shock or even electrocution if not being careful.

Not only that, water leaking from your ceiling fan can cause severe water damage to your floors, furniture, and belongings if left unaddressed.

The water can also cause mold growth in hidden areas which can be a severe hazard to your health

Why is Water Leaking From my Ceiling Fan?

If you look one day and witness water dripping or forming around your ceiling fan, you might be oblivious to why this is happening, so let’s have a look at why water leaks from ceiling fans:

If the damage isn’t too severe, you should be able to fix the leak yourself.

There can be several reasons why water is leaking from your ceiling fan such as:

1. Burst Pipe or Other Plumbing Mishaps in your Ceiling

This is the worst-case scenario in case there is a large stream of water coming down your ceiling near the fan.

In case there is a burst pipe in your ceiling, the cut out for the fan in your ceiling is where the water would first be able to pour down.

When the down-rod is placed to secure the fan to your ceiling, it can cause the attic leakage to seep through.

2. Condensation Issues

This is usually why ceiling fans leak.

When the air in your home is too humid, the warm air surfaces into the cold attic, it will become frosty and form around the venting pipe or downrod.

When the air becomes hot and humid again, the frosty water will become a liquid and seep through your ceiling.

The place where your fan is loaded is an easy exit point since there is a hole.

If you have a new fan, and water is leaking/slowly dripping from it, it could also be from a faulty seal.

3. Roof leaks

Does the fan in the ceiling leak after Rain? Your roof might letting in the water.

The ceiling fan is the easiest place for the leak to find its way down.

If you have easy access to the attic this will be the first thing to check & Address if it’s the cause.

Stopping the Leak

If you are lucky and the damage isn’t  severe, you can fix the leak from your ceiling fan yourself in most cases.

In contrast, if you have left the leak for an extended period, the damage could be too severe, and you would need to call a professional.

In case of Condensation Issues in your Attic:

Decide if you are able to insulate your Attic better so there isn’t a drastic temperature difference between your attic and your home.

If you are not ready to re-insulate your whole attic, sheets of rock-wool insulation could be placed just over your ceiling fan where it’s located in the attic as a quick fix.

This will solve the condensation issues and water dripping down from your ceiling fan in most cases.

In case of Plumbing Mishaps in your attic:

If the leak source is due to an external factor such water leak from your plumbing system we will need Find & Stop the leak.

1. Turn off Electricity to your Ceiling Fan Before Working on it.

You don’t want any mishaps that could cause injury while you work.

You should be fine if you only switch off the breaker to the fan, but to ensure no mishaps happen, it could be wise to turn off the power to your whole home.

2. Turn off your Water Supply

This is extremely crucial not to cause any more water damage in your home.

It’s also an easy way to diagnose that it’s coming from a plumbing problem.

3. Get several Buckets Ready and place them below the leak.

If there is a burst pipe in your ceiling, the water you currently see dripping down is usually only a small portion of all the water that’s still there in your ceiling.

If you want to avoid water from destroying your belongings, the easier thing to do will be to place down buckets & to get some ready in case there is more water coming down.

4. Find & Address the Source of the Plumbing leak/ Burst Pipe

If you have an attic one level above you, you will need to access the attic and see where the leak is actually coming from.

If you do not have an accessible Attic or the leak is coming from a burst pipe between 1st and 2nd story, the ceiling fan will need to be removed.

A portion of drywall will also need to be cut out to get access for inspection & Repair.

In most cases, this is better left to a professional.

Extreme water damage can be expensive to repair, so the longer you wait, the worse it will get!

Water Damage After Leak Near Ceiling Fan?

Call 844-488-0570 for a Risk Free estimate from a Licensed Water Damage Restoration Specialist in your area.

We Can Help Fix the Cause of the leak,Repair your Ceiling as well as any Water Damage caused.

How to Fix Water Damage Caused By the Leak

Note that if the damage is severe and has caused severe mold or extreme drywall damage, you should call a professional before the situation escalates.

However, if you have located the leak promptly and the damage isn’t severe, this is what you can try to do to fix it by yourself.

How Can I Fix Stain Damage Caused By the Leak?

If the ceiling fan leak has caused water stains on your ceiling, here are some tips for fixing them.

  1. Dry out the area with a heat gun, or if you don’t have one, you can use a hairdryer on the highest setting.
  2. In case of light fresh stains, Try removing the stains with a 1:1 Mixture of Water and Vinegar
  3. In case of larger stains ,Sand away the Damaged Paint Area.
  4. Apply Stain-blocking primer to the area and let it dry.
  5. Apply 2-3 coats of matching Paint.

How Can I Fix Drywall Damage Caused By the Leak from Ceiling Fan?

If the leak has caused water damage to the drywall and it’s soaked and soggy – the damaged portion will need to re replaced.

  1. First, you will need to remove the damaged portion of the drywall. You can do this by using a knife or a saw.
  2. Once the damaged portion is removed, you will need to clean up any of the dust or debris created with a vacuum.
  3. Remove any Wet Insulation & Replace with Fresh one
  4. Cut out New Piece of drywall the size of the old one & Screw it back
  5. Then, apply a coat of joint compound to the area and let it dry / Sand it lightly.
  6. After the joint compound has dried, you will need to apply another coat and let it dry.
  7. Once the joint compound has dried, sand it down until it is smooth.
  8. Then, you will need to apply a primer.
  9. Leave the primer to dry, thereafter you will need to apply 2-3 coats of paint to the area.

What Danger can Leaking Ceiling Fan Impose?

There are a few hazardous things and some less dangerous things that can happen if you have a leaking ceiling fan:

Not all water damage is reversible…

If you have left your leaking ceiling fan for too long, the water damage could spread to your floors and belonging, and it could damage your roof and drywall.

Damaged Drywall

A wet area that has mold growth will start to deteriorate and eat through your drywall, this can be very costly.

If you do not get this sorted out quickly, the damaged area of drywall will only spread, get more prominent and cost you a more considerable sum of money!

Mold Growth

Humid areas are a perfect breeding ground for mold, and if your wet ceiling has been left that way, even only for a few days, mold can start to form.

If you have noticed leaking water from your fan, it could also be causing mold growth in hidden areas.

If you notice signs of mold growth then it may be time to investigate further as This can be extremely dangerous to your health.

When To Call a Professional

If you are not able to easily get access to the leak coming from the Ceiling fan it might be time to call for help.

If the leak is severe and has been unnoticed for some time making your ceiling drywall to become Wet & Soggy your whole ceiling can potentially cave in.

It’s crucial to get it Taken care of as soon as possible!

If you are not able to do this yourself effectively in order to Prevent much more severe water & Mold damage it’s best to contact a professional.


We have Water Damage Restoration Technicians that can help Find the Source of the Leak & Repair any Water Damage Caused.

For Disasters of all Sizes,available in 95% of the USA

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